Welcome to My Blog

Discover insights and stories by Barbara Chiarello on life and creativity through simple narratives.

Hello. I'm Dr. Barbara Chiarello

I graduated from Brooklyn College and earned my Ph.D. in English literature at The University of Texas at Arlington. I have published in newspapers and magazines as a journalist, authored several academic articles as a UT Arlington graduate student and English professor, and published in Huston-Tillotson University’s literary journal, 900 Chicon; The University of Texas at Arlington's Stimulus: A Medical Humanities Journal; in The Galitzianer: The Journal of Gesher Galicia and Toasted Cheese. Over the past decade my letters to the editor have appeared in The New York Times, The Dalas Morning News, The Austin Chronicle and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Austin American-Statesman.

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If you'd like to get in touch with me, please fill out this form and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

